Up North, at Peace is a place for us to remember and celebrate Joel Ray Marsh, the inspiring man, son, brother, friend, who now watches us for each and everyone of us, and greets those we love as they join him in heaven.

Here's to a life well lived...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The camera that captured it all...

I'm sure you have seen or will be seeing many photographs that captured so many of our family vacations and times together.  Curty is a great photographer and recently brought out his old film SLR camera from storage.  He was going to donate it to Goodwill - which I quickly intercepted.  I have some friends in Pittsburgh who enjoy shooting film (instead of digital) and jumped at the chance to add another camera and lenses to their collection...

Dad's SLR - captured many memories over the years!

Nancy and Bari the film photography continues!

I had to document the camera that took so many photos of our family and great times with my own obsessive photography habit.  I urge everyone to take too many pictures - they are some of the best keepsakes and memories that I can think of.  To leave you with just a few more of our favorite photo memories, here's two from vacations with took with family.  Joel and I loved the motor home and it was so nice to be able to travel with all the supplies Joel and I needed.  Although we may have spent a few too many hours on the side of the road fixing the motor - it was those incidents that gave so our vacations character!  Joel and I would crawl (because we weren't allowed to walk for safety) up and down the length of that vacation home on wheels!  Such wonderful memories!

Joel in the captain's chair!

Take care - and remember to take photos!


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