Up North, at Peace is a place for us to remember and celebrate Joel Ray Marsh, the inspiring man, son, brother, friend, who now watches us for each and everyone of us, and greets those we love as they join him in heaven.

Here's to a life well lived...

Monday, February 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Buck!

It was 26 short years ago that baby buck was born.  At that time, I think we still called him Joel.  He fought so hard and was tough as nails while the doctors worked out a solution to allow him to leave the hospital and breath independently.  Joel was the ultimate trouper!

Since Joel's birth, we have shared many laughs, wonderful times and ice cream cakes together on Joel's Birthday.  (Joel loved the crunchy fudge in the DQ ice cream cakes... I mean, who doesn't?)  I think last year we were eating off of his birthday cake in the freezer for months!  Before that, I would eat the vanilla ice cream and save the crunchies for Joel, what a sister ey?

Leaning in to blow out the candles - 1988.

Dancing with mom at our house on Isaar Road!

I wanted to add a few photos to give Joel a little shout out.  Man he was a fiery little youngster, always wearing his button collar shirts and running around without a care in the world.  I mean, there are only a few people I know that can pull off yellow trousers as well as Joel!

Joel at Jen's for his Birthday!  Birthday boys get good specials, and the necklace!

We look forward to celebrating this day each year and taking some time to reflect on what an amazing life and boy was born on 2/27/86.

Happy Birthday Joel!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Tour'de Buck in Chicago!

One of the street sign pictures from Joel's camera!
Last weekend I had the pleasure of visiting some friends in Chicago which was an absolute blast.  One of our evening activities was doing a tour of the bars Joel went too (and a few he loved) while downtown.  Just as Joel did, we started our our evening to get a classy, sophisticated view of the city.  We went up the Hancock Building to the Signature Lounge (http://www.signatureroom.com/) to grab a few cocktails and enjoy the few.  I didn't get the White Russian special, but we did enjoy some martinis!

After paying the bill, we allowed our ears to pop on the elevator down the 96 floors and went out to find another fine establishment.  This was one of Joel's favorites - Pippin's Tavern.  There they had music, a packed bar and drinks in pint glasses.  I understand why Joel liked this place so much - a gem in the downtown area!  While Joel was down there, because he never converted to the use of a smart phone, Joel used his camera to find his way...  yep, he took sequential pictures of the street signs so he could find the establishment the next day.  Now that is an impressive and creative strategy!

The boys when Joel was down in Chicago! Looks like a pretty good night, is this Pippins?

Once we left Pippins, we stopped for an elegant McChicken and made our way to the final stop - Boss Bar.  This place stays open later than Wisconsin bars so it's a great place to top off the night and bring out your passport to Russia!

Joel's fine photography - pretty impressive skills Buck!
Joel's finger over the Chicago skyline at the top of the tower...

We had an absolute blast in Chicago, and I'm glad that we were able to take the Joel tour of downtown.  Like Chris said, Joel could be as rough and tough as he needed to be - but boy he cleaned up nice and could keep up to the locals in any city!


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Update on Buck's Cabin...

Because we know that many of you have helped in the process of building Joel's cabin, we wanted to make sure that you are all aware of the progress and how things are coming together.  He wouldn't have been able to get started without the help of all of his closest friends, family, and northern neighbors.  First I wanted to take a look back on some of the pictures from some of the first weekends of breaking ground on the cabin.  Buck had been planning a small norther oasis of his own ever since the work at Lake Eva started to simmer...

Matt and Buck getting some timbers taken care of...

Joel working the land to begin - always moving forward to the next project. Buck's ambition and drive mirrors someone else we know and love....

Dad and Joel by the temporary camp, the Silver Streak!
As luck have it, Joel was able to find  a parcel of land nestled between Uncle John, Uncle Tom, and only a small distance from Camp Winsand.  Need I say more?  The recipe for many wild nights and last memories are embedded in the surroundings of the future camp.  Joel wasn't exactly sure when he was going to break ground as he was just getting settled with his job, but they hauled up the Silver Streak to set up camp and begin the building process from the ground up.  Joel had drawn up the plans awhile ago and was merely waiting for the right time to put those plans into action...

Some of the more eventful weekends included the cement pour and getting the trusts in place.  Both included a lot of strength, teamwork, food, and beer to keep those men working!  Many laughs and memories were made during the work weekends, and we're so grateful for everyone's generosity and willingness to help Buck out.

Chris and Buck sawing the natural beams for cabin from Daggett with the Oscar!
More than just a foundation for the house, but for many good times to come.

The thirsty concrete crew!  Cheers to a job well done!  Careful Jay, those martinis are dangerous.
Walls are up, it's roofing weekend - all you need is man power, and not to be scared of heights!

Looks like the sheeting is up and a roof overhead, not a small task, but manageable for this crew!

Currently, Dad (Curty) has been doing a few things to ensure the cabin makes it through the winter no problem.  The first thing he got started was the heat, so your slippers will always be warm and cozy.  Buck told me over the phone...

"A guy put a lot of insulation in that place... EEeeeee, guy could FART and it'd warm the place up!!"

Feeder in the woods - success!

Next item on the list to do was to get the deer coming into camp with a feeder!  The automatic feeder is working like a gem!  The other thing that is currently up in running with also just as essential as heat, is the stereo! What's a cabin with out a place to blast the latest George Straight??  Huh?  Answer that!  We have amble decibels to spare to blast Red Solo Cup, so bring your dancin' shoes.

Last thing that we made sure was functioning correctly in Buck's cabin, was the chilled supply of "Jezynowka" (Polish Blackberry Brandy) and Ice Hole.  It took a few tests to make sure everything was working correctly, but turns out, the bottle pours just fine! 

Making sure the Ice Hole and radio are working in mint condition... Check!

The best part about having a sip at Buck's cabin, is that you're never drinking alone... Buck's throwing one back with ya...

We will continue to update you with the progress of his camp, and we look forward to sharing many good times up north with you in the future.  Up north, at peace... because some of the best memories are made in the north woods.

-The Marsh's-