Up North, at Peace is a place for us to remember and celebrate Joel Ray Marsh, the inspiring man, son, brother, friend, who now watches us for each and everyone of us, and greets those we love as they join him in heaven.

Here's to a life well lived...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thanks for the Wings Buck!

Flying home...
As many of you who follow this blog may know, we had the Joel "Buck" Marsh Memorial Benefit, but it was in Wisconsin... and I live in Pittsburgh.  A small obstacle to get over!  Rickert and I had been in contact about the benefit and were thinking about some dates that would work to host the gathering.  That's when I told him that Buck was flying me home for a little sneak surprise trip for my parents!  (Click HERE to link the blog post!)

Thanks Chris for helping with Buck's flights!
I came home on Wednesday night and surprised my parents!  It was funny because as soon as my Dad saw me he said, "Oh man, I was going to call you tomorrow to say that you should fly home for Joel's benefit!"  Ohhh, great minds think alike, and I was one step ahead of them!  It was fun to talk back in forth with Mom about the benefit and the amazing donations that were coming from every corner of Seymour and the community!  She would call me and say, "We received a beautiful basket today, what should I do with it?!?"  I would always respond and say that I had no idea what was going on, and that I would forward the info to Rickert - hahah! Joke!  I knew all along!  My mom also asked me if I could fly in for the weekend because she had no idea what this banquet would be like and needed a little help!  I said, sorry, I'm too busy with school.  Gotcha!
Wisconsin Springtime...

That week went by so quickly!  Thursday and Friday consisted of getting some odds and ends together for the benefit as well as spending some quality time with my Grandparents in Seymour.  It was fun to relax and have lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Marsh.  I also had the chance to go on daily dates with Lyssa.

It was so nice to be able to fly home, and what a gift that Joel gave me.  Together we surprised Mom and Dad and I was able to get home for some quality family time - the most important time of all.  Thanks BUCK!

A pair of Mallards on the pond Sunday morning...

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