Chris, Curty, and Camper! |
I wanted to update you on another productive work weekend up at Camp Buck! When there's wood floors, there's no one better to call than Camper/Koeppy! (I'm not exactly sure how you spell that, but if you know our family, you know exactly who I'm talking about!)
Uncle Buck wanted some of Camper's finest floors in the two bedrooms on the first floor. For the master bedroom, he chose Hickory and for the spare/front room, a beautiful walnut I believe. Dad will have to correct me if I'm wrong. Buck bought the wood awhile ago, so everything was set and ready to go into the cabin.
The 'ole wedding Kirby is still kickin! |
After a few coats of varnish or polyurethane... something shiny that's for sure! |
- Pause -
This reminds me of a Buck story. I recall one time that Mom, Uncle Buck, I, and a few others were joking around and shooting the breeze. Someone challenged mother to a question about the type of wood that was in our cabin (I believe, but I can't remember specifically). Mom unfortunately chose the wrong type... Joel quickly responded with "Ahhhhhh com'on MAHhhh, I thought you were a VanBoxtel!" It was a classic - we couldn't really argue with that. Buck was right. Hahah!
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Nice choice Buck, and great work men! |
Buck's Master Bedroom, the floor is down and sealed! |
Camper came up and right away was busy with the impressive wood floor project. The rest of the Armstrong Crew were also a big help because a massive amount of tile was put down during that same weekend. It's crazy how different the cabin starts to look after the floors are in. The floors give the cabin so much character, and it sure beats the cold cement!
Mom was also able to finish up all of the overhead varnishing before the floors went down, which is another thing to check of the to-do list! Deb is always good at making sure things are done in order in the best effort to avoid any unnecessary spills (or dust)!
Back to business with Little Oscar! Sawmill extraordinaire! |
Now you have an idea of how the wood floors are looking... I can't wait to show you some updates on how the tile looks after it's been grouted throughout the great room! More photos to come...
Thank you for taking the journey with us as we celebrate the progress and finishing touches of Buck's Cabin that he so carefully planned out!